Do you remember looking like this at your sweet 16??? I definitely don’t remember looking like this at 16 (or even 18). Over the past few years, I have really enjoyed adding teen sessions to my business. Most of my teens and their families come back for their senior portraits, so this experience just adds another level to my relationship with my clients.
Kylee is the daughter of my hair and makeup artist, Crea, from Salon Twenty-one b, and I have had the pleasure of knowing her for years. I have always thought Kylee was a pretty girl, but I do believe she has become a gorgeous young woman overnight. Just looking at Kylee you would never know she is a Type-2 diabetic. I asked her about one obstacle she has had to overcome, to which she responded, “With diabetes, you can try your best and sometimes things are still very messed up. So when my sugar gets too high, it messes up my entire mindset. My biggest challenge with school has been being strong and fighting through highs and lows of the side effects of diabetes.” Kylee has definitely had years of adjusting and figuring out how to be a “normal” teenager while having type-2 diabetes and every day is a new day.
For my teen sessions, we choose one location and generally showcase 2-3 outfits. It’s a small taste of what their senior portrait experience will be. For Kylee’s session, we choose the beautiful Thomas Center in Gainesville, FL. The Thomas Center was the perfect location to compliment Kylee and her outfit choices. One of the many benefits of choosing Alyssa Chappell Photography is customizing your locations to bring out the best you!